My Journey

A Little History

I have had a garden over 10 years and every year it gets a little bit bigger. I love fresh fruits and vegetables and prefer them over store bought any day. Now, having a large garden it takes time to process, save, freeze and to do canning. With our kids growing up and moving out it became more work than we could handle and more vegetables than we needed. I slowly started to grow less vegetable varieties. Instead I focused on what I liked and that was hot peppers.

I have a engineering degree but ended up in retail and have over 23 years management experience. Then Covid hit and I found myself without a job. I was tired and fed up with working for other people knowing I was nothing but a notation on some account sheet. My wife said I should do what I like and people seemed to like the sauces I made a gifts. So she convinced me to start a pepper company.

Current Path

After dragging my feet a little and trying to figure out how to start up my personal business. I am now all in and into my second year. It is starting out slow but all good things do. I have found out that I like making YouTube videos and slowly making a community around my peppers .

I have enjoyed many of the people who I have met in this journey from other pepper growers to customers who have purchased my seeds. I am also amazed on the positive feedback I have received on the videos I have made. Pepper lovers are a excellent group of people.

Future Plans

My next goal is to expand on my products especially sauces I make (I am currently working on renting a commercial kitchen). But my ultimate goal is to have my own garden center in the next 5 years where I can have a whole host of vegetables and flowers available. With the main focus on peppers of course.